Develop sustainable and inclusive strategies and solutions
Trama Projetos Ltda. is a company dedicated to the design and development of projects, strategies, and innovation in the areas of corporate environmental sustainability, sustainable territorial planning, and environmental financial mechanisms.
– Construir o interesse comum a partir do encontro das diferenças.
– Buscar soluções inovadoras e apropriadas a cada contexto.
– Promover o diálogo entre conhecimentos tradicionais e de fronteira.
– Respeitar a transparência e a qualidade de resultados.
– Buscar aprendizado e atualização permanentes.
Produce, Conserve and Include Strategy (PCI)
Commissioned by the Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH/Netherlands) to provide technical…
Impact Analysis of the Puma Project
Commissioned by Klabin to investigate and mitigate the impact of…
Deforestation in the Amazon
Commissioned by Natura Cosméticos to prepare a document to subsidize…