Develop sustainable and inclusive strategies and solutions
Trama Projetos Ltda. is a company dedicated to the design and development of projects, strategies, and innovation in the areas of corporate environmental sustainability, sustainable territorial planning, and environmental financial mechanisms.
– Construir o interesse comum a partir do encontro das diferenças.
– Buscar soluções inovadoras e apropriadas a cada contexto.
– Promover o diálogo entre conhecimentos tradicionais e de fronteira.
– Respeitar a transparência e a qualidade de resultados.
– Buscar aprendizado e atualização permanentes.
SOS MA Strategy Review
Commissioned by the SOS Mata Atlântica (Atlantic Forest) to conduct…
Best Management Practices in the Priority Infrastructure Sectors in the Amazon
Commissioned by Chemonics International to support to the company to…
Deforestation in the Amazon
Commissioned by Natura Cosméticos to prepare a document to subsidize…